Glorifying god

At Emmanuel, leaning on Hebrews 10:24-25, we believe that Worship is an integral part of our lives as Christians.  God is with us when we gather for worship and works through the Bible, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper so that we believe the Gospel of forgiveness of sins through Jesus.  

Our Classic Grace Service expression is a traditional organ led liturgical service that utilizes Divine Services from the Lutheran Service Book.  The worship experience is often enhanced by our Church Choir, our Emmanuel Brass, or our Handbell Choir.

Our Living Praise Service expression is a more contemporary form of worship led by our Worship Team with vocalists and instrumentalists, playing keyboard, electric guitar, acoustical guitar, bass guitar, and percussion.

Both expressions include the elements of Lutheran Worship: Holy Baptism (offered on the Fifth Sundays and when scheduled); Holy Communion (First, Third and Fifth Sundays), Invocation, Confession and Absolution, Confession of Faith, Lessons of Holy Scripture, Sermon, and the Benediction.

Seasonal Midweek Services are offered as additional times of worship for Advent leading to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Lent leading to Holy Week, New Year’s Eve, and Thanksgiving Eve.