Below is a listing of our key staff members at ELC. If you have questions regarding a particular ministry
or area of support, feel free to contact the relevant staff member!

Mark Carlson
Senior Pastor
I was ordained into the ministry on June 12, 1983 and have served two previous congregations, before my pastorate began at Emmanuel in November of 2011. My wife, Carole, and I have been married since April 28, 1979. I am guided in my life and ministry by the personal mission statement, “A Passion for God and His heart for people”.

John Cross
Director of Operations
John serves Emmanuel as our Director of Operations and on Emmanuel’s Campus Ministry and Communications Teams, as well as Endowment, Stewardship, and Worship Committees.

Randy Holdeman
Director of Connection Groups and Worship
Randy serves as the Directory of Connection Groups and and Worship here at Emmanuel.

Marcia Bailey
Admin Assistant; Church Statistics
Marcie serves as Administrative Assistant – Church Statistics on Monday and Wednesdays.

Laura Latessa
Admin Assistant; Worship
Laura currently serves as the Admin for our Worship teams.

Tony Latessa
Communications Ministry Team
Tony serves as Web Administrator and the Leader of our Communications Ministry Team.
Casey Reck
Admin Asst; Communications
Casey has joined the Emmanuel Staff as an Admin Assistant in our church office.

Wilson Cohoon
Missions Ministry Team Leader
WIlson serves as Mission Ministry Team Leader here at ELC.
Elisha Foreman
Manager, Children's and Youth Discipleship
Elisha is our Manager, Children's and Youth Discipleship, overseeing the Children's programs, including our annual VBS, as well as the Junior High and High School Youth groups. (A2J and Beyond Belief respectively)