The LCRL Champion Church Steering Committee is a resource for all ELC ministry teams on the subjects of life, marriage, and religious liberty. Led by chairman Peter Hein, this committee meets monthly to discuss pertinent literature, review topics of local importance, and to plan how best to equip our members to defend life, marriage, and religious liberty each day. 

We recently concluded leading our Sunday morning bible class in a study entitled "Engaging the Culture".   Recordings of past classes and class materials are available for your review.
For more information on the national Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, visit their homepage at
Resource List -- In addition to the "Mom and Pop Papers" on the Two-Kingdom philosphy published by the LCRL the following are titles that have been read and discussed within the LCRL Steering Committee.  Engage with a member of the committee to learn more about these important topics.
  • Live Not by Lies by Rod Dreher
  • The Paradoxical Vision by Robert Benne
  • Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
  • Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn
  • Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas
  • The Death of Character by James Davison Hunter