Welcome to the youth page of Emmanuel Lutheran Church!
We’re really glad you’re here checking it out.
Students, families, volunteer mentors, and the whole church family are experiencing this journey of faith together. Visitors are welcome to join in the fun!
We’ve heard all of the excuses that teenagers throw out about not wanting to get plugged into anything church related – “It’s boring . . . it’s irrelevant . . . all the people who go to church are not cool.” To combat the growing trend of Youth Ministry being a one size fits all type of ministry where you either fit in, or you don’t, we have designed an engaging ministry for students that emphasize relationships with peers, with mentors, and with God and fits into the purpose and mission of Emmanuel as a whole.
We’re pursuing spiritual maturity together as disciples of Jesus in Youth Ministry, worship life, and Connection Groups. We hope this site helps you get an understanding of what the Youth Ministry at Emmanuel is all about, but really you’ve just got to come out and experience it.
Choose from the links below which group your interested in....we have two groups for our youth:
A2J (Adoration to Jesus) is for Middle School Students (6th - 8th grade)
Beyond Belief is for High School Students (9th - 12th grade)